Senior Product Designer

Transforming Digital Learning


 Transforming Digital Learning

The largest youth business educational organization in Canada, Junior Achievement Canada, needed to implement a modern Learning Management System (LMS) and e-commerce platform to redefine what it means to learn online. Junior Achievements Canada’s vision was to create a digital campus where students, volunteers, educators and donors could access the JA ecosystem to engage with their collection of specialized learning resources.

Deloitte designed the UI/UX of the LMS and e-commerce platform over a period of three months utilizing design thinking workshops, story mapping validation and user flow exercises. We were able to quickly validate our research on how volunteers and students would interact and consumer digital content, especially during a time when schools closed their doors and students had to utilize online learning resources.


Our analysis began with understanding JAs current digital ecosystem and mapping the needs of each of their unique user types to re-imagine their learning platform. We mapped user interactions through a series of user flows that would replicate their natural movements along the learning platform. Each persona had a unique path the focused on their main need for consuming information—taking an online course, registering as a volunteer to access teaching resources, or uploading content to create a new online course.


To satisfy all the user needs for JAs ecosystem, we designed a multi-entry landing page that allowed for different users to enter the ecosystem at different stages. The entire site was artistically designed to feel like an online virtual campus. It gave the users the ability to view different buildings of the campus to explore content for their persona group. Additionally, we designed a separate E-commerce platform for select users to purchase digital and physical learning materials for classroom delivery.